Exam Resources and Good Study Tips

You can study your Matric through Matric College to receive exam resources for your final exam. These include tutors, study material and past exam papers.

The final exam phase is the most important time when you are in Matric. You need different exam resources to help you prepare for your examination. You must receive the best marks in order to study at university. 

Here is a list of websites you can use to find free learning material. Use these resources to study for your exam

Study Tips

Besides having the right exam resources for your exam, you must know how to study. Below are good study tips you can use to prepare for your exam

Study Consistently 

Have a study routine and follow it consistently. Your study routine should consist of daily study sessions. You will have a high chance of passing if you study daily. Use this time to study and understand what you are studying. You will gain more knowledge by studying every day. 

Have Study Goals 

Study with a goal in mind. For example, if you want to earn distinctions in your subjects, you must keep this goal in kind. This will motivate you to study harder. Students who earn distinctions are those who go the extra mile when they study. 

If an average student gets 50% in their exam after studying for five hours, you should study more hours in order to get higher marks. Study for at least six hours every day. Prioritise most of your study time during weekends. 

Study for at least eight hours on weekends. You will gain knowledge that will help you to answer correctly in the exam. If you get tired when you are studying, take a break for 20 to 30 minutes to rest your mind and body. 

Use Past Exam Papers 

Past exam papers are the best exam resources to use in preparations for the final exam. Past papers will show you how examiners like to set questions in the exam. You will have an idea of what the exam papers will consist of. 

Answer most of the exam past papers. You can use memorandums to mark your own paper and see how you would do in the exam. Practise the questions that you find difficult until you understand them.

Study With Others 

Take a few days off from studying alone and do it with other students. Choose the right students to study with. They must be dedicated to their studies. You will learn new information from students, and their explanations might help you understand a concept better. 

Have discussions amongst each other to share ideas on different subjects. You may find clarity on different topics and learn new study methods. When studying with other students, you will be motivated to study more by seeing others study. 

Ask Questions 

You must ask questions as you study. You can do this by asking your teacher or classmates. You will find clarity on topics that are challenging to you. You can seek their assistance and gain understanding.

Sometimes, you can find information on the Internet. However, you can still ask your teacher to verify the information.

How Do I Motivate Myself To Study?

You can motivate yourself to study by reminding yourself of the goals you have. You may want to further your education or find employment after Matric. This will require that you pass Matric with good marks. Remind yourself of the goals you have and motivate yourself to study. 

How Do I Stop Being Lazy When It Comes To My Studies?

You can stop yourself from feeling lazy to study by doing the following: 

  • Have breaks in the midst of your studies 
  • Make your studying fun by having study snacks
  • Study with others to get motivation 
  • Appreciate your study accomplishments (e.g. you understood a difficult topic) 
  • Avoid studying closely to things that distract you (e.g. smartphone/television)

What Are Bad Study Habits Of A Student?

Each student has bad habits that they need to remove in order to excel in their studies. Below is a list of bad habits you can cut off: 

  • Procrastinating your study sessions 
  • Cramming information when you have to understand it 
  • Eating unhealthy food 
  • Not sleeping enough hours 
  • Not taking study breaks
  • Skipping a topic because it is difficult or long 

What Are The 10 Qualities Of A Good Student?

These are the ten (10) qualities of a good student: 

  1. Values school work 
  2. Sets academic goals 
  3. Willingness to learn 
  4. Studies every day
  5. Avoids procrastination 
  6. Complete their assessments in time 
  7. Works for good marks 
  8. Assist other students 
  9. Asks questions when confused 
  10. Performs well in everything they do

Which Is The Best Time To Study?

The best time to study depends on what you prefer as a student. Each student is unique and should use the method that works for them. For example, if you enjoy quiet places for studying, you can study at night when most people are asleep.

How Can I Study Smarter?

You can study smarter by knowing how your Matric works. When you are in Matric, you work for 100% of the marks. This 100% is divided into two types of assessments. We have your school-based assessments which take up 25% and your external assessment which is the final examination that takes up 75% marks. 

The 25% marks in the school-based assessments are there to add to the marks you get in your final examination. Over the course of the year, you work towards your school-based assessment mark and then prepare for your exam afterwards. 

You can study smart by ensuring that you complete all your school-based assessments. This will help you have good marks before you start your final exam. These assessments include tests, assignments, oral presentations, and June and trial exams. 

Study smart and prepare for your final examination in time. To do this, you can do the following: 

  • Study to understand 
  • Practise with past question papers 
  • Have discussions with other students to learn different information 
  • Research more information on the internet

How Many Hours Should I Study?

As a student in Matric, you should study for at least six hours every day. By studying every day, your mind will become used to storing information. Studying daily for these amount of hours will make you gain knowledge that you will need when answering questions in your assessments.

Author: Mulisa Nethononda
Editor: Sive Ncanywa
Date: July  18 ,2022